2018 Toyota Prius Suv
Prius Specials
Discover local specials and limited time offers today.
2022 Prius
Sometimes, compromising isn't necessary.
Midnight Black Metallic
Prices and colors may vary by model.
- Build
- Local Specials
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Prius Specials
Discover local specials and limited time offers today.
2022 Prius Prime
Prius Prime offers the best of both worlds: impressive fuel economy and the flexibility of electric charging. Discover how much you can save with this plug-in hybrid's ability to drive solely on electricity and seamlessly switch to hybrid mode when the charge runs out.
Available AWD-e
This electronic all-wheel-drive feature gives you four-wheel traction when you need it.
Up to 56 MPG Combined
With up to an EPA-estimated combined 56 mpg, Prius encourages you to go further.
Up to 50.7 Cu. Ft. of Cargo
60/40 fold-down rear seats maximize space, leaving room for up to 50.7 cu. ft. of cargo.
Available Nightshade Special Edition
Take a bold stance with the all-new Prius Nightshade Special Edition.
Interior Styling
The versatile interior of Prius sports modern touches, ensuring that style and comfort can live in harmony.
Fog Lights and LED Accents
Available fog lights help increase visibility, and LED accent lights add to the stun factor.
Android Auto™ Compatibility
Stay connected on the go with standard Android Auto™ compatibility.
Amazon Alexa
With Amazon Alexa connectivity, a helpful assistant is just a voice command away.
Awards & Recognition
Awards & Recognition
2021 Toyota Prius Received the NHTSA 5-Star Overall Safety Rating
Payment Estimator
Payment Estimator
Use the payment estimator tool to assess your payment options.
Multimedia on the Move
Multimedia on the Move
Enjoy a multimedia system that provides Apple CarPlay® integration for your iPhone®, Android Auto™ for compatible Android™ devices, Amazon Alexa compatibility, and SiriusXM® (includes 3-month Platinum Plan trial subscription). Android Auto™ not available on Premium Audio.
Source: https://www.toyota.com/prius/
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